I thought that making Shanghai spring roll wrappers would be the hardest challenge to developing the recipe collection for the book. Few cookbooks offered instructions, and in Asia, they're made by professional cooks. With lots of research, practice and a little help from friends who provided photos, such as Robyn Eckhardt's Eating Asia blog posting on a popiah skin maker in Malacca, I figured it out. Actually, I became addicted.
It's not hard to do once you get the swing of it. The recipe is in the Asian Dumplings cookbook, in the "Thin Skins" chapter. Recipe testers from Los Angeles, to Bloomington to New York City tried out the instructions and contributed their thoughts. Lillian in New York suggested a flame tamer if your stove has high output burners, Candy in Indiana moved her skillet aside to control the heat, and Victor in Santa Monica used a simple cheap Teflon skillet. They all found this companion video to be extra helpful.
Hope you do too! Feel free to add your tips.
Carl Corey awakes in a medical clinic, with little to no knowledge of who he is or how he got there.
i don’t know how to receive my response. Waiting for your reply! tks…
1346*/Every country has it’s issues with animal cruelty, but I was really shocked to learn how bad Spain is with the hunting practices and such. This was also the first time I had ever seen a Podenco.
Hi Andrea, I bought your book and I made the spring roll wrappers just as you did in your video… they came out divine! I want to know if I can freeze and refrigerate them? I look forward to hearing from you! Christina
I hope you have a nice day! Very good article, well written and very thought out. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.
nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
I have some fabric waiting to be turned into a purse and I just have to get on that! Yours look great!
I love everything here, especially the first bag with the wee little scooters.
I want to congratulate the winner for the nomination race.I want to know suggestion from others.